Sunday, April 11, 2010

Iraqi Reporter Killed

The war over in Iraq is just a since less war, with innocent people dieing everyday.  I fill like peace is needed all over the world.  This journalist should not have died, and seeing that he was alive and then "finished off" by the American forces angers me.  We should bring home the soldiers in Iraq and end this war before more innocent people die.  War is not the answer to solve any of the worlds problem, only through peace.  My heart goes out to this family for losing a son, brother, and  a journalist trying to show the devastation that goes on over in this country.  We all need to learn to love one another an live our life as peaceful people.

I know that their have also been countless American killed over in Iraq and my heart also goes out to them and their family.  know is the time to write our congress and tell them to stop this war and bring the troops home, before more innocent people and soldiers die.

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