Sunday, May 20, 2012

What do you do when you do no like the space you are in? You pick yourself up and make things better for yourself.  You have to know that you are in charge of your own destiny, you cannot complain and blame society, your parents, your race, or your sexual orientation on were you are in life.  On all points you are unable to change any of that, you are who you are, love you, and don't worry about what others think.  Only you can make the changes that you want in life. For me, I am in a space were I don't want to be in life.  I am in a job I don't like, and feel trapped in it. However, I am going back to school, seeking other opportunities, and not complaining about my situation. I am in charge on it, and I will change it.  I have faith in myself, and in God, that all things that I want in life will come my way.  I am at  peace with my life.  I give to causes I believe in, I will do whatever it takes so that all people, immigrants, gay, minorities, homeless, the poor, have the same rights and opportunities that all people have not matter what. We all should be equal. and have peace and love in hour hearts.  I wrote this short poem long time ago after some tragedies I had in life.

Peace and Love
All that I am
All that I am about
With the drips, drips, drips, of
Peace to your Soul
Love in your Heart
Inspiration to your Mind

Love yourself, and learn to stop judging and bullying other, and this world would be a beautiful place to live.

Peace, Love, and Happiness

Sunday, December 11, 2011

I have been so down on myself lately, but have come to a place in my life were I know that everything that I want out of life will be coming my way.  I will have children, a house, move to NYC, and have the abundant life that I have always wanted.  I am healthy, and wealthy with love all around me.  I have so much to be grateful for in my life.  Nothing to feel depressed or down about, because life is what you make it, and I plan on making my life great. I want to say one thing though, to people who bully anyone for being different in anyway, know that your actions are hurtful.  Just because someone is different, be it a LGBT person, overweight teen, anything. Try to treat people as you want to be treated in life.  To many teens are killing themselves, and yes it does get better but being a person who was bullied and tried to commit suicide as a teen, in the moment it does not feel that way. Just know that you have to love who you are a know that you are a spiritual being have this human experience.  Make your experience great.  Know that you are beautiful, and that can not be taken away from you.